What about the MEXT math test?

mext math test

The purpose of the MEXT math exam is to test international students who apply for the Japanese monbukagakusho undergraduate scholarship program if they have the necessary academic ability in mathematics required for studying at universities in Japan.

There are two tests: Math A and Math B. Students who apply for social sciences such as literature, Japanese language, history, sociology, business, etc., will take Math A test. Students applying for natural sciences (for example, engineering, architecture, agriculture, medicine, etc.) will take the Math B test.

Of course, all undergraduate students will have to take this MEXT math test, no matter the field of study. The Japanese embassy decides which test you take (A or B), depending on your application file. Moreover, because you can choose 3 fields of study, you have to make sure they are closely related.

The difficulty level of the MEXT math test

The MEXT Math exam is extremely hard, and a few months of practice is just not enough to prepare. I talked to students who couldn’t even solve one problem at their exam, let alone get a good score. Some of these exercises are very complicated, and sometimes, even the requirement is difficult to understand. How can students solve the problems, if they don’t know what the problem is about? Moreover, the MEXT math exam has increased in difficulty from year to year.

Another difficulty is the time. There are usually about 7 problems in total that you must solve within one hour. So not only the exercises themselves are challenging, but there is a tight time limit as well.

What to expect

Unfortunately, there is no syllabus for the MEXT math test, and that’s probably because it comprises all that students learn at math during high school. The maths syllabus differs from country to country, and some students don’t cover all the math areas. Also, sometimes they only focus on understanding the theory, but they don’t know how to apply it when solving a problem. Therefore, some students are better prepared than others because of the education system in their countries.

While working through these problems, I found some intermediate exercises but also some rather complex ones. You can expect a vast range of math exercises, from standard equations to functions, integers, geometry (plane, space, analytical), trigonometry, vectors, probability, logic, and even statistics. It is a remarkably diverse exam, and it is impossible to make predictions about what kind of problems you might receive.

How to prepare for the MEXT math test

You need at least a year or two to prepare for this exam.

First, you should look over previous tests, so you have an idea of what types of exercises appeared. You will notice that in time, the problems have changed dramatically. In the past few years, they included statistics and logic problems.

Besides this, you should take all the high school math books that you can find and start working your way through the exercises.

Other than that, math is all about practising and solving as many exercises as you can. So, don’t postpone it, start working on it now! If necessary, hire a private tutor.

MEXT Math books you can work with

You can also find on my website some math e-books dedicated entirely to the MEXT math test. The most complex of them is the MEXT Math for undergraduate applicants. You have here more than 9 years of math tests for both A and B courses. It is a comprehensive book that includes solutions and step by step explanations. As well, it contains practical and expounded pieces of theory that will enable you to understand the problems better.

The MEXT Math A e-book contains the same theory but focuses solely on the A tests.

Another book I’ve been lately working on is dedicated to students who apply for the MEXT Special Training College.

In conclusion

I love math, and I appreciate the complexity of this exam. For me, it is exciting and challenging, and that’s why I have focused entirely on writing these math books for the past three years. My hope is to provide you with math books that you can easily understand, where you find simple, straightforward and visual explanations to complex problems. Books that will inspire you to study with pleasure and be vital support in your preparation for the MEXT math test and your success as a future student in Japan.  

58 Comments on “

  1. Hello. I have a question about scores. I picked computer science major ( related ones) and now I am wondering about how much score do I need at least. I am confident to take at least 60% on math and physics and more than 80% in English. But for the chemistry I can say in best scenario I would get 10%, and for Japanese as I am not that much familiar with it to answer its questions, I am not sure how much I could get by chance.

    Right now I am studying hard and asked a week off from my work to just study. Should I put my focus on Math and Physics to get a higher score or should I improve my chemistry too? It is hard to start from zero for chemistry but it is easier for me to improving my Math and Physics.

    So based on my major what should I do?

    Thank you.

    1. Hello Kiashi,
      Thank you for reaching out with your question. I understand the urgency of your situation with probably a week left to prepare for your exam. Given your confidence in Math, Physics, and English, it makes sense to focus on these subjects to maximize your scores.
      Here are a few recommendations:
      1. Prioritize Strengths: Concentrate on Math and Physics, where you already feel confident. Ensuring high scores in these subjects will significantly strengthen your overall performance, especially given your major in computer science.
      2. Chemistry & Japanese: Forget about these since you don’t have enough time. Even with random answers, you can still get about 20% at each of them. Check the answers for all exercises, don’t leave anything unmarked.
      3. Practice and Simulate Exams: Use practice tests to simulate exam conditions. This will help you manage your time effectively during the actual exam. Focus on Math, Physics and English. There is not much time to actually learn, so you have to focus on the past tests. This is your best chance. When you find something you don’t know in the past tests, then you can try and learn that thing.
      Try to relax the day before your exam, be well rested and do not stress. Having a clear mind, being well rested and maybe inspired will increase your chances of success.
      Good luck and stay focused!

  2. I am applying for mext undergraduate engineering and I have only studied Maths Physics and Chemistry in my high school.do I really have to give Biology exam and is it necessary.And what do u think is the passing score is for undergraduates.

    1. Hi Priyansh,

      For the MEXT undergraduate engineering program, you will have the following exams: Math B, English, Japanese, Physics, and Chemistry. You don’t need biology at all.

      As for the passing score, aiming for at least 70% to 80% is recommended to be competitive.

      Good luck with your application!

  3. Hello
    I have a question; I’m from Iran and most subjects has been ommited, I’m so worried because there’s no course for these kind of exams and highschool knowledge is not enough for that…what should I do?

    1. Hello Arina, I think you should first get the past subjects from the Jasso website and then find similar international books so you can learn. It is a little difficult, but you can do it.

    1. It’s complicated as there isn’t any syllabus. You have to know everything they teach during high school, and then there are a few extra things that are not taught in all countries—for example, solids, vectors, graph rotations, and ellipses. You should do the past test to familiarize yourself with everything. You can find some on the JASSO page. I also have a dedicated Math book on my website. Best of luck!

  4. Hi. I’m taking Social Sciences and Humanities A and I have to answer Maths A. Major is Psyhology, literature and sociology. I can’t really answer the past papers well, the most I can do is around 50%. Is there any chance that I can pass?

    1. Dear Berry, psychology, literature and sociology are very different fields of study. It would be best to focus on the one which is your number one for more clarity in your MEXT application. You will have to justify why you want to study these subjects, and if MEXT sees you are thinking about three different things at the same time, the commission might not appreciate it. Of course, this is your choice. You have to do as your heart tells you. This is just as I see things.
      Second, for Social Sciences and Humanities A, you need Math A, English and Japanese exams. If you choose literature study, you need more Japanese than psychology or sociology. Anyway, if your scores are low in these exams, the best you can do is start studying. Take time to improve your English, Japanese and Math skills. You can do it, but it requires a study plan, and it requires that you focus a little. Try reaching 70% in English and maybe 60-65% in Math and Japanese. Doing so will improve your chances of being selected. With a well-written application form and a good school average, you have a good chance of getting this scholarship. Best of luck with your study and write again if you have any other questions or want to share your progress.

  5. Hello Sir. Thank you for all the information. But I have a question, I want to major in computer science. What if I failed math but let’s say getting a mark around 50% and pass physics, chemistry and English. Will I still have a chance. Also do they look at a subject individually or they take the average of the whole thing.

    1. Hello Tamuka, thank you for your comment. Regarding your question, math is quite important for computer science, maybe more important than chemistry or physics. I was never in the MEXT commission to say how they analyse the files. It is just from my own experience as a MEXT student. So, you should try to improve your math as much as possible. Try at least a 50% score for the math exam and 80% for English. I am unsure if they analyse the MEXT test scores as individual or average. It could be both. It also depends from country to country because the local Japanese embassy conducts the first screening, so they each have their selection criteria. They might also compare the scores with the other candidates, and they will select the best scores among the group. However, during my research, I discovered that some embassies have a minimum score criterium, so if the students fail to pass the minimum score, they will not recommend any students for that year. Of course, if all students take an average of 40% on the MEXT exams, they would not recommend them. I hope this is helpful and may motivate you to improve your scores as much as possible. You can do it for sure! Best of luck!

  6. Please are MEXT research students required to write Maths exams? The website says they are only testing for English and Japanese – I just want to be sure about that. Thank you.

  7. Hello, I’m planning on studying law, so I have to take math A. The past math A tests that I’ve looked at are quite hard so I’m not sure about my chances of passing it. What are my chances of getting the scholarship if I score low in math but high in English? Would I still be eligible, given my course requires basically no math. Also by any chance, do you know if the majority of undergraduate law courses are taught in English or Japanese? Thank you for this website btw, it’s super helpful and I’m sure other keen MEXT applicants would say the same! 😊

    1. Dear Roxy, thank you for your kind words. I am happy that you found my website helpful. About your question, the Math A test should be OK for you as a law student. But it also depends on what the other applicants will do. You would have to have a high score on the Japanese exam to compensate for the low math score.
      Most of the law courses are taught in Japanese, and there are high requirements for Japanese at the law course. You would need an N1 or N2 minimum for Japanese.
      Best of luck, and I hope everything goes well.

    1. It depends on the requirements of the embassy, on the other students who applied. If all students fail in math, maybe you have a chance then.

  8. When you do your maths exam or physics, chemistry etc, will you be given any periodic tables or any rule books?

    1. No, you are not allowed to use anything like this, no calculator, no periodic table, nothing.

  9. ok thank you I want to ask I am doing natural science and I have short time for preparation how can I go through the mathB to pass my exam?

    1. That’s a difficult question. You should strive to solve the past tests for Math B and be comfortable with at least some of the exercises. I hope everything goes well! Best of luck!

  10. I’m in a thick soup. I didn’t take maths when I was in high school and now they want me to do a maths exams. I’ve only applied for video editing and graphic designing programs under STC what fo I do?

    1. The math for STC is not that difficult. Maybe you could try to learn how to do at least a few exercises. You need English, Japanese and Math for STC. You can do it, don’t give up! Your field of study is really interesting! Best of luck!

  11. Hey mate, in which language is undergraduate engineering taught if someone got mext scholarship?

    1. Is there any guarantee of being called for interviews even performing badly in mext math entry exam

      1. Sorry Nathan, but there are no guarantees regarding the MEXT scholarship. There are only chances and possibilities. It all depends on the Japanese embassy. Some embassies invite all candidates to the interview, no matter the MEXT exam, and some select the candidates after the MEXT exam and then invite only a few. I have talked with students from many countries, and the result was the same. Because the first screening depends entirely on the embassy, each embassy organizes its own way of selecting the candidates. Therefore there are these differences in the selection of the MEXT applicants. I hope it is helpful. Best of luck!

  12. Hi~ I’m planning to apply the natural science B and it is known that I need to take Math B. I wonder if I can have the chance to get the scholarship if failed in math. It would be helpful if this question can be answered. Thanks.

    1. It is difficult to say, but maybe if you have a good score on the chemistry and biology tests, they might overlook a low score in math for this field. It is worth a try anyway.

  13. when should I have to apply for mext scholarship ? If I’m giving final exams of class 10 in 2022.

    1. You can apply towards the end of class 12. The application starts in March-April (depending on the country), and the exams are in summer.

  14. Hello! I’m applying for an undergrad MEXT scholarship and I have selected Political Science as my major. Which math should I take? Thank you!

  15. I am planning on studying psychology or sociology, so my math test is A. How important is the score? If I pass English and Japanese, but fail math, is there a hope for me? 🙂

    1. Hello Kinga, I would say it is ok even if you have a lower math score. You should strive to do at least a little bit from the math exam. But in your case, Japanese and English will be more important than math. Best of luck!

      1. Hii, I didn’t have math as a subject for my grade 11&12 I am an arts student and now there’s less than 20 days to the written examination, I don’t know where to start in math and if I fail in it will I not he eligible for the scholarship? and if I just score enough on English and japanese will that get me in?

        1. Hi Brie,
          I understand your concern and that it is difficult for you to start preparing suddenly for math after such a long pause. However, as an art student, you must take the Math A exam, which is not that difficult. I was surprised to see that the latest MEXT tests are easier than they were in the past. Maybe if you ask the help of a tutor, you could learn a few things and solve two-three problems from the exam. It might not seem much, but any point matters. Please don’t lose hope! You can do it!

        1. I want to study medicine in Japan
          Which subject test i need to give for mext.
          And if I fail in math and Japanese is there any chance of scholarship

          1. Math B, English, Japanese, Chemistry, Biology.
            You will study in Japanese, so you will need a good level of it. But they ask for Math B for medicine, so math is quite important here.

  16. is math necassary for MEXT test for the student who wants to study Computer science or Information Technology in undergraduate under MEXT scholarship ?
    I will be very thankful to you If you can answer to this question it will help me alot …

    1. Hi Victor, thank you for your question.
      Yes, it is necessary. You will need to take the math B exam (the more advanced math). Best of luck!

  17. My first choice(for undergraduate course) is natural science A and second is natural science B
    Which maths exam will I have to give A or B?
    Also I only studied physics, chemistry and biology for my senior High school, so what level of difficulty should I expect?

    1. For natural sciences A or B, you will have Math B. However, you are not allowed to choose natural sciences A and B. The official guidelines clearly say that you must choose up to 3 majors from within the same course. If you choose natural sciences A, then you will have Physics and Chemistry. I would say they are high school level. I hope it is helpful.

  18. is math necassary for MEXT test for the student who wants to study medicine in undergraduate under MEXT scholarship ?
    I will be very thankful to you If you can answer to this qs it will help me alot …

  19. This website is seriously, obviously and wonderfully helpful for MEXT applicants. It is pure effort and kindness from Ruxandra for people all over the world. Special thanks to the writer of the e-books, we could never thank you enough. Everyone who is applying for MEXT scholarship should surf this site and it will surely assist you in many ways. Awesome and again, thank you!

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