MEXT Scholarship eBooks

Suppose you are planning to apply for the monbukagakusho scholarship in Japan. In that case, these MEXT scholarship eBooks are an excellent resource. You can only purchase these books on my website in electronic format. I dedicated them to students worldwide, passionate about Japanese culture and hoping to study in Japan.

The primary purpose of these MEXT scholarship eBooks is to prepare you for your application so that you know what to expect and have the best chances of success. You can find books about the MEXT procedure for undergraduate and research students and Math books for undergraduate, special training college students and college of technology students.


The procedure guidebooks contain relevant information for the MEXT application, what steps to take, what to expect, what questions come up at the interview, how to prepare, and much more. They also contain a set of MEXT tests from previous years with the original answer key (short version. Consequently, you can practice beforehand.

The math books focus on the exercises from the past MEXT exams. Furthermore, they offer theory, step-by-step solutions, detailed explanations, and stunning graphs. The math books are essential for undergraduate students who take the mandatory math A or math B exams.

Another interesting book is about MEXT student life. Here you can learn about what happens after receiving the scholarship and attending a Japanese university. Of course, getting the MEXT scholarship is the first step in many. You will have to find accommodation, obtain visas, get a part-time job, collaborate with your supervisor and professors, monthly sign for your scholarship, etc. Moreover, this book provides information about handling different situations and putting you on your guard regarding others. It is packed with valuable knowledge to help you realize what comes next and how to equip yourself for your prospective life in Japan.

You can find all the MEXT scholarship eBooks in the Shop section. 


These books represent an investment in your future. If you are serious about applying for one of the MEXT scholarships, you need to be informed and study a lot. You should know the procedure steps and prepare everything necessary in advance. Above all, review for the MEXT exams.
In time, I have seen too many students who don’t prepare for this scholarship but nevertheless have very high expectations of receiving it. And then they wonder why they failed and what they did do wrong. One of these students was an acquaintance of mine. She thought it was easy if I did it, and she could do it too. Although I tried to discuss it with her and guide her, she failed. And then she was confused as to why that happened.

This scholarship is significant financially. If you get it, it adds up to about $200.000. The Japanese government pays your school taxes, offers you a monthly allowance, and gives you a free plane ticket. It is a very generous scholarship, and only hard-working students who can represent their countries in Japan get it.

If students give up their scholarships, those countries risk not receiving any more MEXT scholarships. And if you wonder who could do such an irresponsible thing, you would be surprised. I met at least three students in my circle of acquaintances who gave up their scholarships and returned to their countries. I was very shocked at that time.

Without a doubt, these books will be essential for your application. First, they will help you understand what to do and what not to do when applying for the MEXT scholarship. Second, you will be able to practice the past MEXT exams. It is all in your hands whether to prepare for this or not.


Are you already familiar with the MEXT scholarships? If not, you can read more about the differences between the MEXT undergraduate and MEXT research right here.

If you are already accustomed to these grants and are looking for a more in-depth resource, you have below a few eBooks committed to these scholarships. Here, I go into detail about the application procedure, how to prepare, how to study for the exams and interview, and many other things. For each book pack, you also have a fantastic resource: a selection of previous MEXT exams with concise answer keys. To check out all the MEXT scholarship eBooks, please visit the Shop page. Don’t forget to carefully read the description of the books you are interested in. The Policy page will also offer you extra info on purchasing the books by credit card if you don’t have a PayPal account.

To be fully prepared and increase your chances of obtaining one of the MEXT scholarships, you need to put as much work into this as possible. You have to be determined, informed, confident, and practice the tests and the interview questions.


You can also find out more about life in Japan and the MEXT scholarship in my Blog

If you have any questions or suggestions or want to share your experience in Japan, you can write a comment below each post section, contact me, or send a message on Facebook. I am happy to read your messages! Best of luck with your studies and the application! May your dream of living and studying in Japan come true!