MEXT Student Profile

What traits you need if you want to become a MEXT student

MEXT student profile

So, you have decided to apply for the MEXT scholarship. You checked your eligibility; you are determined, and all seems fine so far. But maybe you want to go the extra mile and get a little advantage for yourself. Then you need to understand what are the traits and characteristics that the embassies and MEXT are looking for in a student. What students do they select?

There are some expectations from the MEXT students, as I will point below. Going through this checklist will also help you understand the way you must present yourself when you apply at the embassy and at the interview. In this article, you can read more about the MEXT student profile and the qualities to make you a perfect candidate for the MEXT scholarship.

The MEXT student profile contains four essential qualities which I will detail below:

  • Seriousness
  • Good communication skills
  • Desire to study
  • Ready to embrace a different culture
  1. Seriousness

First of all, a MEXT student must be a serious and responsible person, focused on study. You should have a clear plan for your future and a compelling reason for wanting to obtain this scholarship. As well, you must be willing to follow through with this experience. Once earned this scholarship, students should be able to finish what they started. 

I know students who gave up on their scholarship and returned to their own countries before finishing their studies. This does not look good for the students. Therefore, some embassies have made known that if students are not serious enough and are not willing to go all the way, those countries risk not to receive any more MEXT scholarships. 

  1. Good communication skills

MEXT students must have excellent communication skills. First, to obtain the scholarship, second, in Japan. You will need to have excellent communication with your supervisor, other professors, secretary staff, fellow students, etc. 

For this, you must be a good diplomat because future MEXT students are perceived as the liaison between their country and Japan, but also possess a good grip of English and Japanese, which are part of the MEXT examination and selection process. 

  1. Desire to study

Students must show a willingness to study and desire to accomplish themselves. Let’s put aside pop culture and animes, and remember that this scholarship is primarily for students and studying. So obviously, learning comes first and has priority. 

You need to show that you are passionate about the field of study you have chosen and interested in working in this domain in the future.

  1. Ready to embrace a different culture

As MEXT students, we are going to Japan, with a full government scholarship. It is like being invited into somebody’s home. And we cannot enter with our shoes on, no matter if we do so in our own houses. We must abide by the house rule, respect its owners, be polite, bring a gift when arriving. Before moving to Japan, you simply must know at least basic things about politeness and manners in Japan. 

In Japan, people are doing their best to respect others and not to make trouble, not to bother them. We are talking about colleagues at school, peers at the part-time, but also people on the train. Japanese are very welcoming and kind to international students, and students ought to respect this. A MEXT student should have an impeccable behavior at school, in the dorm, as well as in public. 

Before going to Japan, and even before going to the MEXT interview, make sure you read about Japan, food, culture, manners, etc. The interviewers will want to see that you are familiar with these things, at least to a small extent. 


Because the Japanese Government invests a lot of effort and money in the Monbukagakusho scholarship, it is obvious that they want to pick the best candidates, the ones who are willing to study, to finish, and to create a bridge of goodwill and trust between the two countries. Of course, they will want to select students with the right attitudes, friendly, who can adapt to other environments, who really want this scholarship, who are grateful for this fantastic opportunity. 

If you want to become a MEXT student, you must be resolute. Study hard for the MEXT exam, prepare for the interview, and read about Japan. Think about your future and what will you gain in terms of experience and knowledge if you are selected. This is the first step in being selected, making a first-rate impression, with your exam score, interview, and clarity of mind. 

If you want to read more about the life a MEXT student has in Japan, I wrote a whole book about this. Besides this, I have other guide books for the MEXT undergraduate and MEXT research scholarships, which come with tests from the past to help you prepare and become more confident.

Best of luck, and don’t forget to drop me a line in the comments below. I read and reply to all the comments.   

6 Comments on “

  1. Hello! Do you know how can I improve my communication skills? I am very shy and introverted and not good with people and speaking, and I’m afraid that this will come as a big obstacle in achieving the MEXT scholarship. Thank you in advance!

    1. Hello Diana, thank you for your comment. You don’t need to be worried about this. You have to be modest and very polite. These two characteristics are super important in Japan. Being shy and introverted can be a strength for you. If you intend to apply for the MEXT scholarship, I suggest you do an interview practice beforehand. Don’t tell the interviewers that you feel shy. Just be polite and answer their questions. Formulate your answers in an optimistic view. So, if you think that communication is your weakness, you need to practice for the interview. By the way, I was also timid. When I arrived in Japan, I was so shy that I stayed at the door and couldn’t enter the classroom. And my supervisor came out and invited me inside. But it all worked out wonderfully, and it will also work out for you! You can do it! You can succeed. But you need to work hard, learn and prepare in advance.

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